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Showing posts from February, 2018

Live Life Unedited.

Hey guys! :D For those of you who don't know me, I'm Faith and I blog over at Stories by Firefly  and Chosen Vessels . I'm so excited to be joining this blog and these lovely young ladies.  We edit things, don't we? Maybe you don't that much—or maybe you've just never thought of it this way before—but I realized recently that I edit a lot of things. Books, stories, blog posts, emails, text messages, social media posts...and the list goes on. And in a way that's good, really good. When we are angry, upset, or hurt, we should be careful what we say and take time to work through our feelings before we spout off something hurtful. (Ranting on social media is rarely a good idea. *wink*) But what about any other time? What about when we retract something, click that backspace key and remove our personality? Are we bettering the original? Improving ourselves and our life stories? Or are we telling ourselves it's not right, it's not good enoug

Whom Do You Say That I Am?

"He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God." ~Matthew 16:15-16 KJV One of the most important questions in history. Whom do you say that I am? Imagine Jesus, standing in front of you asking you this question. What would you say? "Well Jesus, there's a lot of people who say You were a prophet or just a good person, even a good moral teacher. They say..." But whom do you  say that I am? Who is Jesus? Was He just a good moral teacher or prophet? Did He come to earth to simply help people out? To help them with their problems? Or was He more than that? Your eternal destiny hinges on the way you answer this question. Our God is a personal God. He asks each of us individually to receive Him. He gives each of us the choice to decide if we're going to believe what's true or what's false. Because at the end of the day, He's still God regardless of wh