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"Lift Up Your Hands Praise His Holy Name Martha Borg"

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"He Knows Our Tomorrow's"

He knows our tomorrow's, and  our yesterdays, He holds us in the palm of his hand's. For we never know what tomorrow brings only he does.  Lately I  found myself so graved with what happend with my Dad, thinking back to last summer, still having nightmares of when the ambulance car came and took my Dad away. it was as if I had given up on Praising God, all my hope was gone. But then I started playing music again and worshiping the Lord. My siblings and I wrote this song for our Dad called "Hallelujah" It just really touched me and ministered to my heart. Here are a few of the verses to the song. Don't know what tomorrow brings, praying for no more suffering, thank God I know the light. Praise Him in the morning, praise Him in the evening, and praise Him when the sun goes down. Chorus: Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, to the King. I can't wait till I see your face every moment is a memory in it's place when I am praising you. God be with us till we meet ...

"Love Beyond Measure"

Dear America, I know it hurts the the pain we go through,  to have a family member or friend say that you are no good, they say they don't want anything to do with you so they don't talk to you anymore. People laugh at you they make jokes, somehow they sense inside that you are special, that God created you, that you are a Christian, they just say that they don't believe in that stuff and they don't want to hear anything about the name of Jesus. Don't give up hope He is with you, abide in Him. John 3:16 says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. His life comprehens the darkness not, He is light of the world. Remember we are loved beyond measure by Him. The Bible says to treat others with kindness as you would want to be treated yourself.  I know sometimes we get down in the dumps, we just don't know how to feel. We feel like someone just came and punched us in the...

"Happy New Year 2019 Here We Come"

Hello Everyone, And Happy New Year!!  What does New Years Eve mean to you believers? Why is there even such a thing? It's not all about the ball dropping or New Years Eve parties, or staying up till med night kissing your girlfriend or boyfriend, Or going out to some bar gettting drunk like a hourse. New Years Eve is much more then that. New Years Eve is a time to reflect on what has happend in the past year or what God has done in your life. Philippines 3:12-15  Not that I have already obtained this or am already prefect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me His own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own but His. Forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Let thoese of us who are manture think this way, and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal that also to you. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have fo...

"Dear America"

Dear America, I know the pain you go through, the hurt, the day to day stress, I know it's heard. I know we say over and over again to ourselves that it's going to be okay, when we know where not. you don't have to go through the pain alone, God knows your hurt, a verse in the song What A Friend We Have In Jesus talks about taking it to the Lord in prayer. What does that mean? It means that what ever problem we have, what ever hurt, or pain we have. God will take care of it, if we trust in Him, and take it to Him in prayer. You don't have to do this alone God's with you, He's on our side, He will fight the battles for us, all we need to do is trust in Him. When you do that I promise you that your life will be a hole lot better. Here is a quote I heard from a song on the radio. I know it hurts, I know it's heard sometimes, I don't know why, but I know that you are with me God! Thy will be done, thy will be done, Thy will be done! By Hillary Scott, This so...

Finding Acceptance

Photo by  Courtney Prather  on  Unsplash If you were to ask a group of young people what they wanted most from their peers, you'd probably get a variety of different answers. Some may say love, or support, or maybe even respect. But what all those boil down to is acceptance.  We all want to feel accepted by the people around us. We want to be validated and be a part of the crowd. So we may do and say things that we normally wouldn't. Because if we say and do those things, then the people around us will accept us. But why do we crave the acceptance of others? Why do we crave feeling validated by someone who is in the same state of humanity as we are? Human acceptance will never be enough. We'll only keep living the people-pleasing life that is shallow and based on other people. We will never find true joy from that kind of life. But, God offers us something different. Something that is far more satisfying than the life of people-pleasing. "Come unto ...

Bible Journaling : how to get the most out of your Bible Study

Heyyy Guys!  I'm Janelle from   The Ramblings of a Bookworm  and I'm supper excited to be able to have the chance to share some thought on here... but first let me tell you a little bit about myself! I blog about life. Books. And of that which I know of. I am a storyteller. Anne Shirley is a kindred spirit of mine. I read, perhaps too much, but that can't be helped. It's probably not super healthy, but hey, you make time for the things you love.. right? I live in Up State NY where its winter most of the year round (kidding... kind of)     love watermelon. I read books like there going out of style. I have a dream coffee shop on Pinterest. Family is goal.  God is best.  Friends are fantastic. i live in a state of summer. Shoes and I don't really get along. i write stories. history addict. i love exploring. some times my words are so random that no knows what I'm talking about. Also home schooled.  ANYWAYS enoug...